FFA is a club designed to foster Premier Leadership, encourage Personal Growth, and ensure Career Success. Our club meets once a month to discuss new business, opportunities, and information that should be shared with our chapter members. FFA is an excellent organization to get involved in and offers endless opportunities. FFA is the largest, most active student organization at Hauser and welcomes everyone!

2022-2023 Officers

President - Katie Stoner

Vice President - Kyra Meister

Student Advisor - Gracie Greene

Treasurer - Kendrick Crowder

Reporters - Rachel Hoke & Libby Taylor

Secretary - Willa Wetzel

Sentinel - Kaleb Crowder

Advisors - Mrs. Aleesa Dickerson & Miss Kennedy Lawson

To keep up to date on events, please check out our chapter webpage: http://hopeffa.theaet.org

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